Chemical Businesses Continue to Improve

Brian Hicks

Written By Brian Hicks

Posted January 28, 2014

Chemical Activity Barometer%2C January 2014

The American Chemistry Council today has released its first Chemical Activity Barometer (CAB) reading for 2014, and it shows a continued growth in the chemical sector. The index includes production levels of basic industrial chemicals, chemical stock behavior, hours worked in chemical plants, and price and sales data.

According to the index, January’s activity has increased a slight .2 points over December, and represents the ninth consecutive monthly gain. The index is now 2.6 percent higher than last year.

Saudi Economy to Run on Empty by 2020

If you haven’t heard of the “Petroplex,” then you’re not reading Energy and Capital. It’s a 70 square mile area near Midland, Texas, and it it is estimated to have more than 85 billion barrels of oil under the surface. Big oil like Chevron and Total have already gotten involved, and you can too.

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